About me

My name is Daniela.

I was born in Berlin and emigrated to the Canary Island of La Palma in 2001. In 2014, I started making natural soaps. In 2019, I opened my first small artisan workshop for natural soaps and cosmetics, “Naturseifen La Palma.”

Then the pandemic came, and I had to make a decision. So, my current colleague Anna, owner of the goldsmith Atelier El Tesoro, and I gathered all our courage and moved together into a beautiful, large space in a central location in Los Llanos de Aridane. Here, I still run the only legal artisan workshop for natural soaps and cosmetics on La Palma: “Naturseifen MADAY – Jabones naturales de La Palma.” I am very grateful that I have been able to live out and continuously improve my passion, my mission, for so long.

Life is in constant flux. New challenges require new approaches. And so it happened that in 2023, I came into contact with singing bowls for the first time. At the end of the first yoga class with the new teacher, she struck the large crystal bowl along with some Tibetan bowls. And that was it for me! The sound of this bowl went straight from my ears to my heart. Thus, the foundation for my spiritual awakening was laid.

At that time, I was not feeling well. I was constantly angry at someone or something. I couldn’t stand myself or anyone else. Everything annoyed me, especially myself. I woke up in the morning already in a bad mood and always had that typical pressure in my chest. I lacked lightness, joy, gratitude, self-love, and the air to breathe. At the same time, I was constantly searching for something—some kind of material substitute satisfaction, which only brought short, superficial happiness.

Maybe it was my heart telling me that the problem was not external. Intuitively, I felt that the time had come to want to live in peace and quiet. It was time to forgive—myself and everyone else, to heal old wounds, to replace old patterns with new ones. It was time to recognize that all the anger and resentment inside me was only harming myself. So, I started working very intensively on myself. A fundamental change occurred within me. And surprisingly, at the beginning of this journey to myself, it went incredibly fast. One realization after another came in quick succession, sometimes three or four a day! But there were also moments of pause, of reflection, where I had to check if I could implement and apply all these insights. This path is certainly the goal! Because the actual challenge is to apply insights in everyday life. I train my mindfulness and awareness. I process traumas that were unknowingly inflicted on me in my childhood. Step by step, I move from a victim mentality to my new life. Because it is my responsibility to live happily and in peace. We could all learn to respect and appreciate ourselves, to love ourselves. Because if we live in peace and quiet with ourselves, we can do so with everyone else.

At the very beginning of this process, I received my first singing bowl as a gift. Just the constant sounding of this small bowl had an effect on me. I became very calm and focused whenever I heard and felt its sounds. A door opened for me into the world of sound!

Then one thing led to another, in other words, one singing bowl after another. At that time, I didn’t know that there were sound bowl massages and therapies. Although, purely instinctively, with my small bowl that I played every day, I was already self-therapizing. At some point, someone asked me if I also gave massages. I didn’t know what he meant and said, “No, I just like the sounds.” But my curiosity was piqued…

In the meantime, I have completed training as a sound and regeneration therapist, set up a wonderful massage area, and created this website. I have already given many sound massages and meditations. At this point, I want to thank all the volunteers who have trustingly put themselves in my hands from the bottom of my heart.

I am fascinated every time anew by how it is possible that my singing bowls can talk so much about the body. I love giving people the impulse to find their way to themselves and discover their inner world with the help of sound. It is incredibly exciting and fulfilling to be part of these processes. I am touched every time clients tell me, even days after the treatment, about the sometimes-profound changes that have taken place—both physically, mentally, and emotionally. Sometimes it’s also very small things that come to light.

I would like to share some experiences of my clients with you: “I was finally able to sleep through the night after six months!”, “I looked forward to the day for the first time in many months!”, “I was finally able to make a decision that I had been putting off for a long time!”, “I had a huge appetite!”, “I was able to go to the bathroom again!”, “My knees don’t feel as tired anymore!”, “My hip only hurts sometimes when I think about it!”, “I feel so light and buoyant!” and so on.

Well, you can probably already feel it: my passion is ignited! I have a new mission! It fills me with so much love and strength to be able to share all that I have learned, lived, and experienced with people. Finally, I can give something back!

Daniela, Los Llanos de Aridane, June 2024

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